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Linda Lue Yates Bluemel

Linda Lue Yates Bluemel

April 16, 1943 - January 26, 2020

Linda was truly a gift from God: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of Lights, with Whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” (James 1:17)

Linda was a most treasured mother, wife, sister, aunt, friend, and loving giver of herself, who shared her smile, her laughter, her gift of listening, her time, and her heart, as one who loved without fear or partiality. Her heart and presence was a safe haven that anchored our hearts to a place of peace and warmth. She was preceded in death by her mother and father, Lue and Homer (‘‘Bud”) Yates, and her brother Gordon (“Rowdy”) Yates. She is survived by her husband, LeRoy Bluemel, her sister-in-law, Sharie DuVall, her two children, Jennifer and Christopher Bluemel, her sister and brother-in-law, LuAnn and Richard DeMarco, her brother and sister-in-law, Steve and Shirley Yates, her nieces and nephews, Chelsie and Darren Wilson, Natalie and Jose Cervantes, Steve Jr. (“Bud”) and Jennifer Yates, Danny Yates, and many other nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends who loved her dearly and still do. She was truly a mother and comforter to many. Even friends of her children would come over more often to visit with Linda. Family gatherings were always full of laughter and love, and Linda was always full of light and love. Linda was love always in action, always forgiving, always willing, she kept fighting, she kept loving at all times, in pain, in tears, in sickness, in laughter, in acceptance, in all things she welcomed us and drew us in, no matter the cost. Her love was like a tree planted by streams of water, able to bend in the storms of life, so as not to break or get uprooted. She enjoyed family, she enjoyed people, and in the last two years of her life, she also enjoyed her relationship with Jesus, of Whom gave her strength, love, joy, and peace, and upheld her as the years came to a close and her physical strength became weaker.

May we love more, may we love deeper, may we love stronger because of how she loved us! “…Nevertheless, I am not ashamed, for I know Whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that Day.” (2 Timothy 1:12) As she opened her heart to be God’s dwelling place, so there she is in fullness with Him now. There will be a Celebration of Life in the spring of this year, and donations will be accepted, in lieu of Flowers, at America First Credit Union, in her name, Linda Bluemel, account number 9114331. To those who are planning on donating please feel free to contact Steve Yates, or LuAnn DeMarco, or Jennifer Bluemel if more information is required as you go to donate.