Susann Spencer

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I Susann Patricia Spencer was born December 17, 1946 (the anniversary of the Wright Brothers flight at Kitty Hawk…taking off, soaring free… a metaphor I always liked).

 My parents, Van N. Spencer and Virginia Elizabeth Herrmann Spencer gave me a secure childhood in many ways, with lots of adventures and opportunities. My childhood illnesses created a bookworm and lifelong explorer of knowledge, only to eventually find out ‘Wisdom” is very different than information or knowledge. History, philosophy, poetry and art have always been my mental explorations since the early days of chasing various cites in the families World Book Encyclopedias during days home sick in bed. I got degrees in Communication Arts (Associates) a Paralegal Certification, and finally a B.S. in Health Education. Yet I ended up due to my hearing problems, insurance coverage issues and pre-existing condition, qualifying insurance issues, working for 18 years in finance at Discover Financial Services (they paid for several surgeries because they waived pre-existing conditions criteria. Thank you!) Later I ended up at Western Governors University as an Enrollment Counselor.

 My former husband decided to stop being a stock broker and become a pirate trading in “new commodities” he said. Not what I signed up for…so exit stage left. Interesting journey as I tried to help save so many, in my flaming co-dependent ways to their addictions and delusions but the hard won lesson has been that while giving love or getting it is wonderful, the realization that you ARE love is what it is all about. And the challenge is to keep diving deeper into soul, spirit and to learn to LIVE as the LOVE You come to Know you ARE (and that you must also learn to leave toxic people and emotional abusers and relish the bosom of your true Tribe). My Life, a living prayer.

 Many peak experiences haunt me and paintings struggle to form from visions in my mind but the one images that floods back into my mind most often is an afternoon on the Colorado River, red rock cliffs rising on either side, the sun glistening on the fluttering water as I paddled in a little Cherokee kayak on gentle rapids… alive, so connected—earth’s grandeur, the artistry of wind sculpting and etching red rock, river of life flowing and me, mastering a fear…Free in the Flow.

 I have dearly loved and been much challenged by two precious sons Adam the diplomat, and Aleksandr my little priest. Many adventures and honest conversations with delightful wit and authentic sharing. Not always easy but real. An intriguing journey in motherhood. My Karmic wards. My beloved brown eyed December girl, granddaughter Briton Marie, has been blooming into adulthood and I have delighted in sharing explorations of mind and heart with this new woman. Her sister, Cat (Catherine Elizabeth) has been my feisty Red Rose, whom I root for in her unique talents and explorations of style! My little Alive Tribe

 I also leave behind a gang of outlaws & angels I call friends,

Little Sisters of the Heart, so sustaining and guiding: Beloved Melissa “Missy” Zito, Scrappy Debi Dougherty. Also supportive sister cousins so sharing and willing to work through things: Joan Reynolds, Jill Muir, Cathy “Marge” Carey, Nicki Richards, Jeri Howell, and Melinda “Mindy” Zito. And those Wild Women of spiritual exploration and Warrior Goddess-ship: precious Stefania Magidson, Suzanne Wagner and Lynds Pickett.

 Daimoku Sisters in my Sangha: Berniece Wiley, Anita Sorensen, Amy Watson and Satomi plus Little Brothers of the Heart Rashid Kennedy, Mark McComber and Jesus “Alex” Rojas have been part of my spiritual squad.

 My perpetual “debate” partner (lol) Chris “Christos” Auman. Plus the wonderful “art therapy” haven of coming “Home” that Pete Petersen always offered at his art studio classes. These people inspired me and sustained me and heard me. I was privileged to have them in my life.  I was Here.

 Susann Spencer passed away on July 20th.  She is survived by her sons, Adam and Aleksandr, Adam’s Daughters, Briton and Catherine. Susann’s siblings, Shauna and David as well as several other relatives and friends.

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