Jacquelette Denise Rose Burton

As the lights dimmed and the curtains started closing On April 19th, 2022, Jackie Aka Harley Jay Quinn took her final bow on this stage of life. She is now resting in ShangrLa with her brother Bobby.

Jacquelette Denise Rose Burton blessed her mother Catherine June Inscore and this planet with her fiery, loving, warrior spirit April 24th, 1983, in Westminster California. This is where her legacy of shenanigans began. Harley and her brothers were known to run the streets pranking, performing stunts, entertaining friends while keeping their mother on her toes. Her childhood was not the easiest, but she never gave up on sharing her heart of gold with anyone who was lucky enough to call her friend, lover, or family.

In her teens she moved to Utah where she attended Job Corps. Here is where she learned her trade in Security. Caring for others and making sure they were safe was top priority to her.

December 4th, 2005, she gave birth to her beautiful daughter Damina, whom she adored, loved, and did her absolute best for. Harley loved children if a child needed anything she would do her best to be there for them. Nurturing came naturally to her, and she helped so many children when they needed love and security. Harley’s selfless nature was a highly admirable quality, she had no problem going without a shirt if you needed it. Shy was not a thing for her, and she did not mind going out of her way to make you smile.

She Met Zachary Burton in 2014 where they developed a love and friendship that would stand the tides of time. Through this union Harley gave Zach the gift of being a father, on June 20th, 2018, they welcomed the birth of their baby girl Zora. They later married in Colorado February 15th, 2019.

Known as our Cotton Candy Queen she served children of all ages for the currency of a smile. Harley was an amazing cook who knew how to add the best ingredient of all, love. Birthdays were paramount for her, she would go out of her way to make sure you at least got a cake, making others feel loved and important was a priority to her.

Jackie was loud, funny, outgoing, and always the life of the party. She had so many talents from dancing, writing, music, cooking, and costuming. She enjoyed activities from fishing, camping, she especially loved music festivals, The Dark Carnival is where her heart belonged.

She loved all her Juggalo brothers, sisters, children, and friends. Answering the phone when one was in need was never an issue for her and she was always willing to brighten a loved one’s day. A natural therapist she helped so many of us through our darkest moments and changed the lives of all that knew her, by just being herself.

Harley is survived by her husband Zachary Burton and their children Damina and Zora along with her loving boyfriend Ryan Goodwin.

A Memorial service will be held at Murray Park Pavilion June 26th, 2022, at 12pm.

“People with the biggest hearts carry the biggest burdens.” Through this challenging time, she is still teaching us how important being kind and empathetic to each other is.

Harley Lost her battle with mental health, we all know she would not want that for anyone else. Please reach out to friends, family, and any support available if you need help. Harley would not want you to forget how loved and important you really are, and to never forget that you have the strength and support to get through anything.

 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255

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