Jeanne Zaccheo

Jeanne Zaccheo passed away peacefully on May 22 nd 2022 at Spring Gardens in Holladay. She was 86.

Jeanne Lane Corbett was born at Evanston Hospital and grew up in Barrington Hills, Illinois with her sister Tricie and parents Barbara and Paul.

Her children fondly recall her recounting stories of family history and her memorable childhood; riding horses, ice skating, tobogganing and skiing on the family property, of summer camps and special holidays. Jeanne experienced a remarkable upbringing; in the 1940’s she flew as a young girl to New York City, with her family, staying in the Waldorf Astoria. Later she travelled on the QE2 to Europe with her father and sister. She was a debutant participating in the Chicago cotillion where Jeanne met her first husband, David McKenna.

Jeanne attended The Masters boarding school in Dobbs Ferry New York. She excelled in literature, loved languages and was offered a job after high school as a reporter with Chicago Tribune. However, her father persuaded her to attend Wells College in upstate New York.

Jeanne married and raised her two children, Ginger and Jerry, in Evanston, Illinois. Her children have fond memories of a home full of books, music, friends and a loving single mother. Her home was a welcoming and interesting place for friends and family to gather. She had a busy life taking Ginger and Jerry to sports and social activities. When her children grew older, she attended business school and started working.

With her second husband, Jeanne moved to Salt Lake City in 1975 where he opened Zaccheo’s Restaurant. She earned a degree in Russian Language from the University of Utah graduating in 1981. She continued to read Russian literature with friends from the University and later began to study Spanish. She challenged herself with public speaking and received a “Rookie of the Year” award from Toastmasters International Metro Club.

She held various volunteer positions, first as a Girl Scout Leader and Teaching Assistant when her children were young. Later she had a long association with the American Association of University Women. She was a dedicated volunteer with the Assistance League of Salt Lake and was an integral part of “Kids on the Block”, a program educating school children about dealing with bullying, anger management and abuse issues.

Jeanne was always a gracious person with great loyalty and appreciation for family and friends. She was well informed and thoughtful about the world and shared her views with wit and wisdom.

She had a life-long passion for music. She loved to sing and harmonize and was a member of several choral groups including the Sandy Glee Club.

Jeanne is survived by and will be missed by her daughter Ginger McKenna (Ian) and her son Jerry McKenna (Jen), their children Aerina and David Kamp, Miles McKenna and by great-grandchildren Avery and Anya Van Arsdale. She will be missed by her step-son Michael Zaccheo, (Connie), their daughter Ariel, her step-daughter Laura Zaccheo and by friends and associates too numerous to list.

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